Reply to post: Re: Just use Google Keep.

My God, I've got nothing on! Microsoft's $200m Wunderlist is down

Lee D Silver badge

Re: Just use Google Keep.

@Mage: Because you think a Microsoft-owned cloud-based post-it note company worth $200m with a massive datacentre and only 13m unpaying users is something that isn't "invading your privacy" in the same way to get that money?

Google can see every note I ever store on it. I hereby give them permission. I did when I created my account. My lists include a doodle of a VESA fitting for a screen (that looks more phallic than anything else), a list of which wire goes to what on a cheap Chinese gate opener I bought that only had an Engrish manual, a list of lightbulbs in my house, and last week's shopping (that I handed over a Clubcard for because it saves me £10 each week and tracks 100 times more data, but again if someone in Tesco knows I bought a tomato last week, it's not really "data they couldn't have got any other way" to give them your ClubCard).

Rather than be anti-company, be sensible with your data. Don't put ANYTHING on ANY cloud service providers services without knowing those people can see it. And if you're that paranoid, use OwnCloud/NextCloud on your own hardware (that has a "Tasks" thing, I think).

Hint: My Google+ profile is empty. For a reason. But I'm not in anywhere near the same level of paranoia as you appear to be.

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