Reply to post: Re: And who told you I want to be measured?

IPv4 apocalypse means we just can't measure the internet any more

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: And who told you I want to be measured?

That's the whole point.

Why should I broadcast to the world that I have an NC Lathe?

If I am of interest to the TLA's then they'll come a knocking with their size 15's in the early hours of the morning. IMHO, I'm not of interest to them but I am of interest to the likes of Amazon, Google etc.

They will want to sell me stuff or send me adverts for things I don't want.

That is the nature their business.

Why should I broadcast all the NC commands to the world? There is no reason at all.

If IPv6 becomes the norm then people like me will have to totally independent networks. Sure it is inconvenient but some of us value our privacy.

We are not a number (6 or anything else)

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