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Google: There are three certainties in life – death, taxes and IPv6

David Crowe

IPv6 is of no value until real people, ordinary people, can configure a device, without an IPv4 address. Having IPv4 + IPv6 does not solve the problem because every device still needs at least one IPv4 addresses. I don't think this day will ever come. We need IPv7, not IPv6. Start from scratch and make it backwards compatible with IPv4. For starters there must be a reserved block for IPv4 addresses (all zeroes plus IPv4 address makes sense) and a mechanism for going IPv4-IPv6-IPv4 and vice versa without losing data or dropping packets. And I mean a single, standardized mechanism. If an IPv7 device could send and receive packets from IPv4 devices then every IPv7 device would save an IPv4 address, and IPv4 would start to dwindle quickly. And it wouldn't matter if it never went away because the smaller it gets the less likely we'll ever run out of IPv4 addresses.

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