Reply to post: Re: At least make sure your contract include TOIL

Two Sundays wrecked by boss who couldn't use a calendar

Alan Brown Silver badge

Re: At least make sure your contract include TOIL

"TOIL is a swiz as you never seem to be able to schedule the time off in lieu."

A relative ran into this one working for local govt.

. She ended up taking legal advice and got 3 months accumulated TOIL off (she would have preferred the monry up front but $employer wouldn't do that. Shortly after returning, she and the entire city secretariat(*) resigned en masse and subsequently won a very large settlement for constructive dismissal.

(*) City secretaries are "keeper of secrets" type employees, not the typing pool. When 25+ of them all leave at once due to to the actions of the city manager you can rest assured the organisation has major problems. By all accounts there have been mass resignations in other departments since then.

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