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Google GPS grab felt like a feature, was actually a bug


I'm running CM 7 on an Incredible (removable battery w/cheap replacements available, and builds up to 4.4 on XDA for the intrepid). Made the mistake of installing GAPPS but never let them update. I think it's appalling that they can't be uninstalled without mayhem.

Play Services, on its own recog, updated sometime in the summer. I started getting failure notices about it. Ignoring them long enough, they went away on their own...hmmm.

Yesterday, just to be tiresome, I tried using Titanium to first install an older version (also self-updated without asking) and then delete the current one. No more errors.

Google are shooting themselves in the foot with me. Their crawlers/bots have no business in some of the directories they probe on my website, slowly the 66 ranges are getting blocked. For a while I blocked the whole range, and suddenly my site disappeared from search rankings.

"That's a really nice website you have there, shame if no one could find it."

Elect me and I'll install nice sturdy Puritan stocks in front of the White House. The 3 Google stooges will be the first booking.

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