Reply to post: Re: You can't say no?

Google's become an obsessive stalker and you can't get a restraining order

Captain Queeg

Re: You can't say no?

"What alternatives are there to an Android phone that isn't (A) overpriced, (B) dead, (C) someone you never heard of, or (M,N) a dead zombie platform?"

There isn't - but then I guess you pay your money and take your choice. If you really want to minimise the google gouge your options are either:

(A) - Pay over the odds to avoid it but retain similar benefits via a different business model

(B) - Put up with the "missing" functionality but retain core stuff

(C) - Blind trust the no-name to be less intrusive

(M,N), Pretty much the same option as B.

Android market numbers tell you the way things have gone and continue to go.

In the end though the best way to avoid it is to simply not carry a phone - sort of option B on steroids.

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