Reply to post: Re: @Fonant

Non-doms pay 10 times more in income tax than average taxpayer group

H in The Hague

Re: @Fonant

"Constituency based voting isn't perfect but at least it gives the voters a choice on who is allowed to be an MP. In PR it's "The Party" which decides, the public gets to choose how many "The Party" gets but then it's up to "The Party" to fill the seats. "

In theory you're right. In practice most parliamentary candidates stand as party candidates and will only be appointed as candidates if they toe the party line. So (apart from a few maverick MPs) you are still voting for "The Party" rather than a specific candidate.

"… PR would lead to an even more corrupt system."

Well, I don't like bandying that particular c-word around, but I might be tempted to apply it to a situation where getting just under 37% of the votes leads to a party getting 52% of the seats in Parliament.

Personally I wouldn't mind more coalitions as I think they _can_ lead to a steadier course, with less disruption when there's a change in government. It also gives homes to more extreme elements, which relieves the more mainstream parties of the burden of having to deal with them. I quite liked the Conservative/LD coalition, but I appreciate that I might be in a minority.

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