Reply to post: Re: Harrumpf

Ad flog Plus: Adblock Plus now an advertising network, takes cash to broker web banners


Re: Harrumpf

Hallelujah! Finally, someone who understands blocking scripts with any granularity is simply flat-out not an option if you're actually trying to use any websites at all. None of them will even display, let alone let you navigate. As you say, one either has to put up with this or stop using the internet, full stop.

"There is almost always a combination of script allows that makes a website work without letting it load unnecessary cruft"

Except 99.99999999% of the sites I go to are sites I never saw before nor will again any time soon. Sure, I could spend hours per site _trying_ to painstakingly engineer a recipe that works for each of the less-than-a-dozen sites I visit regularly (and would likely end up having to accept to run every single script they want me to anyway), but those are so small a blip on the total of my browsing that they don't even register.

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