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Tesla to stop killing drivers: Software update beamed to leccy cars


Everyone seems to have missed the horrifying possibility that was likely narrowly avoided in this story:

If the roof of the car and head of the "driver" was ripped off, and (maybe?) there are no critical systems in the roof, was there a possibility that the now convertible car and it's headless corpse continued on it's journey on autopilot, until the batteries expired many miles down the road?

Also, people keep using that "perfect" word.

Bus travel isn't perfectly safe, but we accept that risk.

Train travel isn't perfectly safe, but we accept that risk.

Plane travel isn't perfectly safe, but we accept that risk.

Self driving cars don't have to be perfect, they just have to be statistically better than humans driving cars, like all other forms of transport are, except space rockets of course (oh the irony!).

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