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Delete Google Maps? Go ahead, says Google, we'll still track you


"It's not clear why Google would insist on its app store having constant access to your location . . ."

Apologies to Kieren but that is quite possibly one of the silliest phrases I have seen a written in an article here on The Register.

It is perfectly clear why Google would insist on the App store having location access and the anecdote presented shows this. Google are a company whose main source of revenue is ads (unless I am seriously wrong) and the more they know about people, the more 'targeted' those ads can be and thus the more valuable they are and the more money they make.

Of course, that's only an explanation of why Google would want to always know where you are - the reason it's the app store is because (again, as the anecdote shows) this is something ordinary users are not likely to suspect or check. It is also critical to the functionality of the devices because, unless you perform a bit of trickery unlikely to be employed by an average user, that's the way you get apps on you device.

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