Reply to post: Re: Mansfield bars

Tesla to stop killing drivers: Software update beamed to leccy cars

Dave 126 Silver badge

Re: Mansfield bars

>took off via a "ramp" and landed nose first in a field after going up to about 25m high - - they all survived.

Do you have another link? The link you posted only says "the car flew 25 meters (82 feet) in the air, and rolled over at least once after crashing in a field at full speed." That's distance, not height. The photos show the car to be about 25M away from the road, on flat terrain, with no ramp or bank to be seen.

The article is also suspect because is first says the occupants escaped unharmed, then goes on to quote a copper who said they had 'serious but non life-threatening injuries'.

Your point remains though: The front of the car is totalled smashed (no big lump of engine, naturally), the cabin is intact - which is what you would want if you crashed.

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