Reply to post: I want one, but only because our meters are in an awkward spot

You should install smart meters even if they're dumb, says flack

Paul 25

I want one, but only because our meters are in an awkward spot

I'd like to never have to dig about in the under-stairs cupboard to take a meter reading, but that's the only real benefit I can see.

In reality most people have limited scope for significantly reducing their electricity consumption unless they pointlessly leave everything turned on, and they clearly are not that bothered if they've not done the obvious.

We've changed all the bulbs we can for LEDs, don't leave kit on when it's not used, and so on. I can't really see what else we can do. It's not as if I can heat the oven more efficiently.

Even standby modes on modern kit is much better than it used to be.

The silly amounts spent on this project could have gone on the solar feed in tarriff for a few more years and had far more effect on our energy supply.

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