Reply to post: Re: Should be enough right there to shoot off any remaining feet slurp has got left.

Sony wins case over pre-installed Windows software

Hans 1

Re: Should be enough right there to shoot off any remaining feet slurp has got left.

>"such an offer is not contrary to the requirements of professional diligence and does not distort the economic behaviour of consumers"

Indeed, unequivocal! Sony, pay up! El'Reg, what is this story about again, who won what ?

1. The case is NOT over yet.

2. Sony "won" nothing, absolutely nothing, just yet. Did you read the article you posted ? The above sentence means Sony has already lost the case.

German, French, and Italian courts have already awarded people with a refund.

As for the story, the Europe courts upheld L 120-1 of "Consumer Law" (or whatever you call it)

Article L.120-1 du Code de la Consommation:

"Les pratiques commerciales déloyales sont interdites."

From here on:

"Une pratique commerciale est déloyale lorsqu’elle est contraire aux exigences de la diligence professionnelle et qu’elle altère, ou est susceptible d’altérer de manière substantielle, le comportement économique du consommateur normalement informé et raisonnablement attentif et avisé, à l’égard d’un bien ou d’un service. (…)"

Word for word what the EU court said.

Sony have already lost, why are they even fighting this ? Since the computer manufacturers are all doing this, they should all be fined until they stop.

I am saddened by the very poor reporting El Reg has done on this one, seriously ... computer vendors are losing left, right, and center across the EU on this. Each time it costs the tax payers money for courts to uphold law that these companies are trying to circumvent - BIG time for heavy EU fines until they adhere to the law.

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