Reply to post: Re: Here's a novel idea @heyrick

Inside our three-month effort to attend Apple's iPhone 7 launch party

WolfFan Silver badge

Re: Here's a novel idea @heyrick

If El Reg were to do anything close to what you suggest, then Apple and those who either like Apple products or don't care either way will, correctly, conclude that everything from El Reg is biased against Apple. Doing what you suggest would result in Apple being seen as the victim here. Worse for El Reg, if nothing but negative reviews show, then undecideds will look elsewhere for unbiased reviews. If El Reg is the lone voice in the wilderness, then they will be ignored on this subject. And it&s just a short step from there to being ignored, period. Do you really want that?

Please note that multiple news organizations which did get seats at the 'event' have published negative reviews of Apple kit. I'm thinking of the screaming about the hockey puck mouse. Of the screaming about the Mighty Mouse. Of the screaming about the iOSization of OS X. I can think of lots more examples. The difference is that El Reg goes way, way, WAY out of their way to pump up even minor problems, so much so that it's hard to properly pump up stories about major problems (cough... Irish non-taxes... /cough) beause of the overheated language about trivialities such as, oh, being denied a seat at an Apple PR special. And, frankly, if the same tone applies to all stories about Apple, then those who are not virulently anti-Apple will simply tune out and let the, and I quote, 'fuck crApple' crew wank all over each other to their heart's content.

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