Reply to post: Re: Huh?

Forget Khan and Klingons, Star Trek's greatest trick was simply surviving


Re: Huh?

we now have working Communicators

I've always laughed at those who claim that "trek" invented cellphones etc. Portable radios were around before ST, I think even some models of portable TV's were around. All sorts of things were getting smaller and more portable. Some quick research suggests that the concept of mobile phones has been around since 1908 (see (WARNING: sites on internet do not necessarily contain reality!), and really they're just a form of radio and though the first cell phone call was in '73 you probably could've done the same with '50s tech using a portable radio, something at the other end to tie in to the phone line and something to generate dialing tones (IIRC tone dialing started in the '40s).

TL:DR, Cell phones were concieved long before Trek.

As an aside, the original series is still the best, Kirk's if you can't sh@g it kill it philosophy was brilliant, the show had a humorous side to it too. TNG was awful, with its "it wants to kill me, but lets hug it & talk about it" approach. The fact the new reboots are based on the original just proves the point.

Don't know that I agree that TOS was best, but I do agree with your point about TNG. DS9 was definitely worst. In any competition, by any metric. And I'm watching an episode of the last season of "A-Team" while I type that!

The re-boots prove that you don't need talent to make it in movies.

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