Reply to post: Re: Next Weeks Headline

Sex is bad for older men, and even worse when it's good

Pompous Git Silver badge

Re: Next Weeks Headline

Not in absolute time, but certainly the time saved by not crashing PC's should enable them to spend their time more efficiently, thus saving a lot of time otherwise spent OT.

Sounds like wishful thinking. I never had any particular problems with w7 crashing. Mint 17.3 locks up about once a week, most likely due to the Radeon video driver. The FOSS driver is complete shit and the proprietary one is almost as bad. Further, copying the boot partition to a removable hard drive with gparted killed Mint.

Don't get me wrong here; over the last 14 months I have become quite fond of Mint. It's just that pretending Linux is faultless is just as fatuous as believing Windows or OS X are faultless. They all run on computers!

I seem to recall the BOFH describing computers as devices for losing data some years ago...

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