Reply to post: Backdoor encryption a pointless public fund wasting exercise.

FBI Director wants 'adult conversation' about backdooring encryption


Backdoor encryption a pointless public fund wasting exercise.

How do they expect to catch any criminals if they are so dumb?

An adult conversation about backdoor to encryption?

No adult is going to discuss backdoor encryption because it is over, past, done, finito, the horse has bolted, the end.

We don't need evidence, we know why they want it so why have these fools been wasting public funds looking for it?

We all have programmes with no backdoor that are beyond the capacity of anything but quantum computers to decrypt.

What does the FBI want or think is going to be done? We'll all dump our current programmes and buy a new one with a backdoor? Maybe they should consider putting the drugs they collect into evidence instead of using them?

Something like CipherShed is free Open Source and if the FBI want to backdoor it all they'll do is shift it offshore, keep it going and there's nothing the FBI will ever be able to do about it.

The FBI can't control overseas programmes.

What's more is that the main thing they want to stop is terrorism, no terrorist is going to buy a backdoor encryption programme to help out the FBI, that's why they use encryption. They may as well have asked the Germans to given them the plans to the enigma system.

Even if they tried to ban everything encrypted by scanning emails, they'd still fail because people would simply write the encrypted document and hide it in a photo using stenography

If the FBI had any brains at all they would have tried to do something before AES but they didn't. Now they are going to have to live with it forever.

But seriously, with the advent of computers encryption was inevitable and that it would defeat the FBI without them having any hope of defeating it was also inevitable.

My advice to the FBI: Stop wasting public funds on a fruitless exercise, there's nothing you can achieve.

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