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It's OK to fine someone for repeating a historical fact, says Russian Supreme Court


"Here in Canada we have free speech, yet Holocaust deniers have been convicted of spreading hate. Did any of the cases hinge on such a subtle point of logic? I have not a clue."

Free speech does not allow you to say anything you want. For God's sake, I thought we'd dealt with this when you were five. It does not allow you to phone up the Prime Minister and threaten to kill him, for example. (Most use saying "Fire!" in a crowded theatre", but threats to kill are also not protected speech.) Free speech is only as far as you are not producing harm in others. Threats to kill, denying the murder of millions of people in an obvious attempt at neo-Nazism, deliberate attempts to induce groundless mass panic; these are all examples of speech that is normally not protected under free-speech provisions in countries' laws.

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