Reply to post: Re: How is this a new feature

Want a Windows 10 update? Don't go to Microsoft ... please

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: How is this a new feature

*NOW* Micro-Shaft wants to FORCE YOU into PROVIDING THEM BANDWIDTH for the frequent (massive) *FORCED* updates that Win-10-nic is so INFAMOUSLY known for! They are STEALING BANDWIDTH from YOU and from your ISP.

But, THIS way they can SHOVE EVEN MORE "new, shiny" FEATURES UP YOUR A$$ ONTO YOUR COMPUTER, without your consent, without you WANTING them, and so on WITHOUT having to upgrade their OWN infrastructure to deal with the BANDWIDTH.

Well, you're right about that part, not sure WE NEED ALL THE SHOUTING though.

So, with the same KINDS of thinking that justified *OBAKACARE* in the USA [i.e. making "healthy people" pay for the "infirm" through strong-arming the young and healthy into BUYING INCREASINGLY EXPENSIVE INSURANCE that they may not actually *WANT*, in order that those with pre-existing conditions (a definite MONEY LOSS for insurers) can be "covered"],

Nothing to do with this conversation, but BTW, the other alternative would be to have tax increases to pay for universal medical coverage for everyone. Don't like that idea? Well, don't expect Medicare when you get old then (other people's tax money, after all). Don't like the idea of your taxes paying for other people's medical bills? Tell your congresscritter to abolish the VA.

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