Reply to post: Re: What I don't get...

EU verdict: Apple received €13bn in illegal tax benefits from Ireland

Richard Plinston

Re: What I don't get...

> Seriously, what have I missed? Pay tax in the UK or ...

Just about everything about how businesses and tax laws work.

Tax is levied on profit. Profit is the difference between revenue and costs. If a company arranges things so that they make only a tiny profit then they pay an even tinier amount of tax.

For example: They buy iPhones for $400 and sell then for $500 so there is a gross profit of $100. From this they subtract salaries, rents, and other expenses. If the 'other' involves paying a 'licence fee' to an Irish company of, say, $60 per phone, then the UK company makes only a tiny profit on which they pay the full amount of the tax that is due.

Of course the Irish company is hugely profitable. They pay the tax as assessed in Ireland.

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