Reply to post: Re: Thoughts

Apple is making life terrible in its factories – labor rights warriors


Re: Thoughts


your observations match those of a friend who used to design shoes for a living. In the late 90s/early naughties ,he would spend weeks in the factory in China getting it set up to produce his creations.

He described the factory much as you do... The "sneaker line" a bombed out ruin (bombed by the japs in WW2 !) , the machines under the bits of roof that remained, the workers out in the elements,. There was always a pot going in the dorm where a soup was being cooked, everything went into it, rats, pigeons, chicken, etc etc. The upmarket "leather line" was in a new building, but still dangerous conditions, Workers were "hot mattressing " to keep production going 24 hours. This factory produced shoes for many 'name' brands

It had massive fences and gates - not to prevent the workers form escaping , but to stop desperate workes from getting in !

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