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heyrick Silver badge

Re: New President!

"that makes people vote against their own self interest like this"

Sounds like brexit. It ought to be pretty obvious by now that there's no "deal" with Europe (Canada style, Norway style, Swiss style) that is better than the UK's current place (unless your definition of "control" involves being a part of rules you can no longer influence), yet May keeps on about "brexit is brexit" for a non-binding referendum and one of her ministers is now talking about scraping the human rights stuff that the UK originally helped set up (possibly totally unaware that this would imply quitting the Council of Europe, never mind the EU).

This and Trump. It's enough to make a person wonder if a recent flu season carried a side effect of making people stupider because I'm at a loss to explain why people would believe such rubbish and then believe more vociferously when the lies are exposed. It's almost as if brexit is some sort of surrogate religion.

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