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Larry Page snuffs out ‘too expensive’ Google Fiber project

Lee D Silver badge

Shock, horror, physical infrastructure is expensive.

This is why cable companies go bankrupt, only to be bought up for a pittance so that someone else can inherit their cables and then NEVER RUN ANOTHER CABLE AGAIN.

This is why BT used to be a nationalised service - because the initial infrastructure is hard and expensive and nobody would put it in otherwise.

And this is why you can't get even a telephone line, fibre cable, or anything close if you live out in the sticks. The price of several kilometres of ANYTHING, strung, hung, pulled or blown through other people's property and over and under roads is stupendously expensive. It's just that simple.

Which is why I don't get why building ANY road is not legally mandated to include huge, massive pipes under it while you're there. One for water, one for sewage, one for electrics, one for gas, one for data, one for whatever, etc. Again - infrastructure costs in privatised industries never happen until it's immediately profitable, and we end up with a bloody mess that's too expensive to replace or expand.

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