Reply to post: Re: This should be one of the easiest taxes to collect ...

DVLA misses out on £400m in tax after scrapping paper discs

Gene Cash Silver badge

Re: This should be one of the easiest taxes to collect ...

It's funny... on this side of the pond, it'd be "you haven't paid the car tax? Really? HIGH-FIVE! Stickin' it to da man, bro!"

Most people would say if you can manage to dodge the IRS or DOT or take advantage of some loophole, more power to you.

I know folks that have moved to a different state many years ago, but still have their car registered in the old state because it's cheaper. Ditto for states that have vehicle inspection and those that don't. Nobody other than the respective DOT agencies blink an eye.

I know this forum bubbles over at Apple, Google, et al not paying their corporate taxes with the Irish Dodge, but in the US, that's to be expected.

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