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Baltimore cops accused of violating FCC rules with Stingrays


When will politicians muster the political will to acknowledge that the police - as a body - cannot be trusted to, well, police itself?

The constant refrain of it being only a tiny minority doing the wrong thing vs the overwhelming majority being unimpeachable is wearing thin.

As civilians, we* are constantly inconvenienced on a state-wide or nation-wide basis as blanket laws and restrictions are imposed upon us in order to deal with a similarly tiny minority of people doing the 'wrong thing'. The police call for - indeed campaign for - these blunt instruments to be employed against the people but are incensed that the people could ever want to enforce restrictions on them to help prevent the abuses and outright crimes within their ranks.

* - I am Australian and we have much the same problem of double-standards here, as I am sure is the case in many other countries.

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