Reply to post: If it doesn't deserve an exclamation point, I don't know what does

Intel overhyping flash-killer XPoint? Shocked, we're totally shocked

BinkyTheMagicPaperclip Silver badge

If it doesn't deserve an exclamation point, I don't know what does

Although it's not matching up to the initial claim of being akin to slow, non volatile memory, this is exceptional.

GPUs? The GTX1080 averages 20-30% faster than a 980Ti, and this is seem as exceptional.

CPUs? Using Intel's own (optimistic) numbers, a Skylake 6700K is '30% faster than a three year old PC' (i7 3770K)

20-30% is seem as decent, and the article complains about a technology averaging 5x to 10x improvement, depending on area?

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