Reply to post: Re: @Big John - " may I laugh my arse off at "You stupid Brits"? "

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Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: @Big John - " may I laugh my arse off at "You stupid Brits"? "

"[...] so expect there to be more idiotic ones which have slipped through the gaps than you have got."

The archaic archery law had its purpose in the days when a two-fingered salute had a precise meaning.

Modern UK laws are often stupid because of several things.

1) Too many bills are introduced for there to be proper drafting consideration. The Blair governments passed 3000 new criminal laws.

2) Politicians now have a knee-jerk reaction to any vociferous public issue. They often think that passing a law will solve a problem.

3) People are co-opted onto the drafting committee who have a vested single-issue, and themselves, to promote. These are usually vociferous conservative minorities, aided by some media, who see threats to their world-view everywhere.

4) When the drafting gets bogged down in awkward detail then the final bill will contain areas of vague proscriptions. It is then expected that the Appeal Courts will establish case law when the law enforcement agencies go too far with "mission creep". Unfortunately that assumes members of the public are prepared to run the personal risks of challenging such excesses.

5) Too many restrictive laws are now effected by "secondary legislation" where the government can effectively rule by decree.

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