Reply to post: Re: Hair dryers and vacuum cleaners next?

California to put all your power-hungry PCs on a low carb(on) diet

Aitor 1

Re: Hair dryers and vacuum cleaners next?

Vacuum cleaners were nerfed here in the EU.. expect the same to happen in the US.

I have a bronze PSU, and I willl NEVER recoup the cost.. from a decent PSU to a "green PSU" the difference is about 2-5% efficiency.

If your rig draws 75W, and you use it 40 hours a day, 5 days a week for eleven months a year for five years, that us 165KWh. If we save 5%, that is 8.25KWh, or about 1.32$.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to recoup the cost.

It is way better to use low power CPUs than high efficiency PSUs.

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