Reply to post: Bigotry is as bigotry does (sorry Forrest)

Cryptography vs. bigotry: The debate Australia needs to have

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Bigotry is as bigotry does (sorry Forrest)

Sadly this sort of stuff will only make the problem worse. While it might grab votes it also plays directly into the hands of radicalists. Now they can demonstrably show how the West is run by terrified crusaders who actively trample on all Muslims rights and will continue to do so. The victimhood narrative is then re-inforced and spreads. New converts and recruits begin to appear.

The moral high ground is steadily lost with each new repressive measure. You could argue that today the West has already lost the moral high ground.

Many of your serial killing nut cases were groomed from early on (war orphans, child soldiers) and are probably beyond recovery.

Some other nut cases MIGHT be recruited or encouraged to embrace extremism by what they see on the Internet or enabled by their friends/associates. I would argue that like most borderline, mentally-ill people the pre-disposition was already there. You could use the same arguments against violent video games, film and TV.

But banning things like some immigration, strong encryption, free speech, etc. is not going to remove the root causes of what is often mental illness encouraged by unscrupulous indoctrination.

Good policing, community outreach, therapy and cooperation (particularly in local Muslim communities) can help detect and monitor the potential nut cases. Frothing at the mouth against all Muslims simply sends the bad eggs underground and alienates the decent people who want nothing to do with terrorism.

When we designate an entire population as criminal, we create a lot of criminals. The Trumps, et al know this and are using it as an excuse (along with the general malaise fanned by media coverage of acts of terror) to grab power. Both groups appear to be winning their cause and have much in common.

Keep calm and carry on is the best policy, even if it doesn't grab headlines.

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