Reply to post: Profit making or fair price?

British cops to film you with 59k body-worn cameras by end of year


Profit making or fair price?

I wonder if there is an due diligence, in the price being paid for these devices.

With such a large amount of public money.

I see the greater Manchester police spent 2,000,000 on 3,000 devices. So that's a cool 666quid for each unit. Ballpark $800+ USD. being the device are from USA, which USA pays $500 a piece. Are we being had again!

Ignore the cloud part, I think there is some unbelievable profiting being had.

How can public find what the costs have been on these devices.

A state of the art BWC unit with even 4G technology cost is less than $200 supposing Taser devices in performance features and abilities.

Scale this up to 59,000units, someone is having a cool serious amount of profit in their sky rocket.

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