Reply to post: Re: What's Wrong with Slurp?

My Microsoft Office 365 woes: Constant crashes, malware macros – and settings from Hell

Adrian 4

Re: What's Wrong with Slurp?

Much as I'm happy to criticise MS, I'm unfortunately finding that all the vendors - including my former favourite, Debian - are in that same race to the bottom.

It used to be that each new edition of Ubuntu was smoother, more stable and had more useful features than the last. No longer. Each upgrade to Linux, MS, or some Google application involves annoying and apparently pointless changes, the loss of some formerly-useful feature, and additional 'helpfulness' in the form of just doing the wrong thing automagically. In the meantime, the new shiny this is all supposed to support doesn't work, or needs endless further installations to complete.

Is there a way to get off the train ?

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