Reply to post: Re: Real Problem?

Dem-owned-crats: Now its congressional committee is hacked

Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

Re: Real Problem?

Unless you are naive enough to think that they don't have a pile of 0 days at their disposal they can use for any potential scenario.

I you must be on the Internet, then don't run any software flaky/complex enough to even have outstanding exploitable flaws, have IDS, mandatory access control, and VM your shit and put suicide traps on the frontline servers.

Unless the network stack or hardware has a backdoor, you will then be able to sleep soundly.

Of course, Hollywood has made it clear that "I'm in" will always happen but that is dubious at best. So far hacks have been via the social route and via cruddy software on the front running on rickety, barely maintained and badly configured hosts possibly running Windows.

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