Reply to post: Re: Firearms?

Airbus doesn't just make aircraft – now it designs drone killers


Re: Firearms?

As an alternative you might fire a Switchblade ™ (at least in Afghanistan etc.). Works against drones as well as against local wedding parties.

Switchblade is designed to provide the warfighter with a man-portable, rapidly deployable, loitering munition for use against beyond-line-of-sight targets. This miniature intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance and lethal platform can be operated manually or autonomously. Switchblade provides the operator with real-time video and GPS coordinates for information gathering, targeting or feature/object recognition.

* The vehicle's small size and quiet motor make it difficult to detect, recognize, and track even at very close range.

* Switchblade is fully scaleable and can be launched from a variety of air and ground platforms.

* 10 km radius of operation.

* 55 to 85 kts.

* Precision strike with very low collateral damage.

* Back-packable.

* Tube-launched.

* Loitering munition.

* Effective against stationary and moving targets.

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