Reply to post: Great solution for an old problem!

Intel and pals chuck money at another Fibre Channel killer

Yaron Haviv

Great solution for an old problem!

NVMeF is a great replacement for a SAN or SAS Jbod, good for the legacy stack using a local (unshared) file system

While most of the world data is moving to shares file, object, NoSQL/NewSQL types of solutions that are based on DAS or OSDs (simply because data and Metadata must be updated simultaneously, with SAN it means shared locks and journals and that just doesn't scale, lots or writeups from aws, Google, Azure, .. About it)

Even VM images which typically use local FS are now 1% of their size with Docker

I think the storage camp need to spend more time with the apps camp, and focus on the right problems to solve, e.g. Add k/v notion to those NVMeFs would make them way more useful

BTW i imlemented the first NVMeF prototypes, before it even had a name, thought its the best thing since slice bread, but the world around us has changed since, and we need to adapt the infrastructure to the app stack


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