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Silicon Valley's contribution to the US Republican Convention: Gayness


He'll be at the end of a very long line indeed. It's no wonder there are so many poor, ignorant, non-millionaire Repubs; they lack the initiative to read anything relating to STEM that will get them ahead in life rather than some stupid morality story book written by old assholes. AKA The bible. It's how their fucked-up world works; never learn anything, then complain about lack of good jobs "'cus dem foreigners be taken em all, guy!" get a gun, shoot up a school 'cus; can't learnin' nothin'.

America is already a great place to live and work, when you know how it works, and to stay out of the middle of the US. That's where our "Brexit" idiots live and shoot themselves in the foot. Look, don't take my word for it, I'm making many many dollars an hour doing VERY LIGHT WORK. Work smart, not hard, we always say. Anyway, poor angry assholes are poor because they're angry assholes and have no real value to any industry, except perhaps the birdcall noise maker biz. Anything that is crafty and doesn't take any mind power to do. They will NEVER learn. Ever. It is known.

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