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Body of evidence: Biometrics and YOU


Well, how do I do any of this biometrics on my old dumb not smart phone without a camera and I have lost my voice due to tonsillitis ?

Also I personally will not put add my credit card to my pay as you go smart phone ( I get credit via cash), I also went to my Barclays branch after they sent me a new Bank Card which I had cut in half and said why did my new card now have contactless payments added to it with me asking for it ?

They apologized (Which was BS) and said that this was standard practice well I said I never want this on any future replacement cards and send me out a new card as I have cut this one in half !

If more people were a PAIN IN THE ASS like me then maybe Banks would think twice before adding shit to customers without asking first !

They had my email and mobile phone number, but they would rather send out a new card assuming in their own wisdom that a customer would want an added service which would mean someone can deduct money with you entering a pin number at a range of upto 20 ft !

Yeah, NFC can actually be read upto 20ft away if you have the right equipment - scarey, just check your statements for any NFC payments, BTW try and argue that you didn't use your card for that !

As you can guess I am not in favour this new stuff, yes I am technical and used to be in IT, but for every lock there is always a way to crack it and I prefer a pin/password to prove it was me and I used Linux and not Win 10 !

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