Reply to post: Re: "Your license payment is for access rights, not ownership"

Software can be considered 'goods' for purpose of commercial agent rules – High Court

Pascal Monett Silver badge

Re: "Your license payment is for access rights, not ownership"

Once again we have a bad Real-World metaphor.

I don't care about car parking. When I take a parking space, nobody else can have that one. That is not the case with software. Everyone can download the app once I have it.

The issue with EULAs is not that the vendor will have trouble if it accepts responsibility, it is that the vendor accepts NO responsibility, although you pay full price. Thus shoddy programming practices are the norm. We're over 30 years into the IT industry, and we're still subject to bugs that are due to the absence of data control or validation. This is not acceptable.

There is a middle ground to be found, is what I'm saying, and if we end up with less software developers because of risks, it means that those that still develop will be better, because they will have learned to write better code.

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