Reply to post: Re: In Praise of Commissioning the Rise of the Virtual Machine*for Safer Leadership in a Free World

Comms intercept commish: There were some top secret orders

amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

Re: In Praise of Commissioning the Rise of the Virtual Machine*for Safer Leadership in a Free World

Leaving humans in charge of anything big and empowering and corruption to a previously favoured past status quo position is inevitable, and that is not normal to try and halt progress to a novel future perfect striving situation/virtual reality movement.

amanfromMars [1607080735] …… sharing a view and unveiling of realities on

So, proof positive and indisputable that the free markets are captivating pools of second and third party wealth and systems are rigged not to fail gracefully and to not reflect reality.

Ergo the world is a virtual reality play.

Yes, exactly, and that makes for a very exciting place/space in which to explore possibilities.

And further sharing those secret systems workings here with El Regers.

What you gonna do about it with IT, now that you know about it and what IT can do? Anything meaningful and effective or nothing at all and thus to be held virtual prisoner to that and those who can and do?

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