Reply to post: Re: Globalists?

London Stock Exchange's German mega-merger: It's a go, despite Brexit

codejunky Silver badge

Re: Globalists?

@ Roland6

"You comment is totally lacking in specifics, which was my complaint."

Ah. Your comment wasnt specific. It just claimed that the EU had no impact on exports which is something you ask brexiters to justify in some meaningful way which is why I explained imports are highly important. Specifically the high tariffs we must impose on those outside the EU to protect the cartel. That is a problem as how will a poor country develop if they are excluded from trade? And our prices are higher because the cartel insists we must buy through them.

"I'm not interested in your daydreams but in reality, hence how about some names of countries in the queue?"

New Zealand is the first to jump to mind. Not only are they interested in trade but also offer its negotiators to help us with the EU. With Obama on his way out the US is very interested (particularly republicans). Australia and South Korea have approached us. Since we have been looking more toward China we could do that, especially as Iceland managed it after leaving the pre-EU. Apparently we are already approaching Hong Kong and Brazil.

And we aint even out yet.

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