Reply to post: Re: Filippo Re: AC Although the burden of proof lies with Love

Here's how police arrested Lauri Love – and what happened next

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: Filippo Re: AC Although the burden of proof lies with Love

"..... Wanted to hide some pr0n from mum back when streaming wasn't a thing? Hope you remember the password to that dust-covered drive in the back of the closet, or you're screwed. Wanted to test an encryption tool, so encrypted some random crap with a random password and then forgot about it? You're screwed....." Wow, scaremonger more, could you? First there has to be a reason the Police would have any suspicions that you are hiding evidence of criminal activity, they don't just going knocking on your door at random. So, yes, if you are a scumbag involved in illegal activities, and you have some old encrypted junk, then you might be screwed if you come to the Police's attention and they decide to search your property and find it.

Having said that, since a large element of the regular posters on these forums seem the uninformed wannabe-gansta types, it would probably not be surprising that (a) they might have some illegal material lying about, downloaded "for the lulz", which they have probably also bragged about to their wannabe-gangsta online "friends", and (b) they would be dumb and disorganized enough to leave encrypted junk lying around rather than clearing out old rubbish/data or keeping it safely hidden like a real pro hacker, so all that leaves is the actual interest from the Police. But then, seeing as the majority seem to be just windbags, interest from the Police is unlikely, which should leave them safe (except for their egos).

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