Reply to post: Erm, 'scuse moi

Get ready for mandatory porn site age checks, Brits. You read that right

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Erm, 'scuse moi

Not so long ago, the gubbermint was banging on about making ISPs pose the question "Do you want porn filtering".

Sure enough my ISP (Virgin (on the ridiculous)) popped up a question asking if i wanted their porn filter.

Obviously, being male and almost 50 i told em to go 4th, as an adult with NO children it was none of their fucking business what i cover my screen in.

But NOW the westminster fuck witt collective posse have decided that *their* porn list must go ahead.


To protect innocent children from the horrors of human flesh??

Fuck right off.

Simply put, you say you DONT want a porn filter, your name is on the kiddy fiddler, terrorist , £$€ launderer list. Oh, you watch porn, then you MUST be a miscreant...

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