Reply to post: Re: think about tablets

Linux letting go: 32-bit builds on the way out


Re: think about tablets

But on the other hand, :i386 binaries are smaller and take less RAM, that is simply because instructions are shorter and pointer are 4bytes instead of 8.

That is why I have installed a 32bits version on my mothers laptop, although it is perfectly capable of running 64bits, even being a low end Celeron from 8 years ago. What is limiting here is that the PC has only 1G of RAM.

On 1G of RAM, when you run a 64bits version of Ubuntu will eat up like 600M of RAM just to boot to the session.

With a 32bit version, you save around 25 to 30% of that (150 to 200M) which in fact makes it much faster to use.

But well... as they say they might drop it for 18.10, it means 18.04 LTS will still have a 32bit version, and that will be supported up to 2023.

By that time, this PC will be 15+ years old and if it is not already dead, it could be time to buy a more recent one seen how cheap low end PC are now that they are desperate to sell PCs!

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