Reply to post: Re: What a horrible waste of time and money

Prominent Brit law firm instructed to block Brexit Article 50 trigger

Paul Shirley

Re: What a horrible waste of time and money

@Barely registers:"we're the ones currently in the bait box"

The English are in a hard spot as well, with an unknown number of leave voters unwilling to compromise on migration, likely to explode if they don't get what they think they were offered.

From the last couple of weeks listening to acquaintances and eavesdropping on strangers in unguarded moments, there are more than enough to worry about. The most extreme sample was not caring if everything else was a lie, as long as the migrants went home, followed by blind repetition of the 'take back control' mantra.

One of the eastern european seasonal farm workers put it nicely, he can go home but he felt sorry for the English with no where else to go.

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