Reply to post: Re: smartypants Re: Did the leave campaign...

Vodafone hints at relocation from UK

Matt Bryant Silver badge

Re: smartypants Re: Did the leave campaign...

"....Say anything that wasn't utter bollocks?" The problem was more that both campaigns became very negative, but it seems the majority believed the Remain campaign to be the one telling the biggest porkies. I started out as a lukewarm Remainer - able to suffer the business status quo, not particularly happy with the direction the EU was going in, but realizing that Brexit would mean big challenges. But after hearing some of the desperate drivel, on par with claims that Brexit would kill puppies and kittens, plus the reaction of many EUers ("You must be racist if you want to leave the EU!"), I began to realise it was actually the EUers that were terrified we'd leave and were willing to threaten anything to stop it. Generally, threatening is not a good way to swing someone round to your point of view. Whenever I engaged pro-EU people in conversation around why we should stay they had very little positives to offer other than "It's good for the rest of the EU"! So, whilst you may maintain that the Leave campaing was "utter bollocks", the Remain crowd did worse.

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