Reply to post: @AC ... Re: @Measurer

Bacon is not my vodka friend

Ian Michael Gumby

@AC ... Re: @Measurer

I do have my fair share of lucid moments. ;-)

Unlike certain AC and other posters who tend to take a run at windmills.

When you get older you will find that you have more to lose and will become more conservative.

I have had my share of infused drinks, but only from bartenders and bars that I know and trust.

That does not mean I don't understand and agree with why they passed that law.

While I'm too old to partake in today's designer drugs... like Molly, you have to trust the person handing you the pill, and trust that they know where it came from and so on... otherwise you are putting your life at risk. I'm not judging, but the point is that when you don't know who made or mixed the drink, you are at risk.

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