Reply to post: Hey gang, what time is it?

NASCAR team red-flagged by ransomware attack

Jim Oase

Hey gang, what time is it?

Hey gang, what time is it?

For those of a certain age its Howdy Dowdy time.

Times have changed but one thing is constant, people are greedy with the minimum amount of morals, ethics and virtues to have enough character to keep themselves out of jail. Is the cure for keeping personal privacy better security or an education system that teaches character building?

A better education system will not cure the whole world, it will make it easier to recognize people with low standards, society will naturally shun them.

In small communities today doors are rarely locked or need to be. A better security system will keep the door locked for a few days. Then the security company will return with an upgrade and the protection racket makes another cycle.

Everyone can learn character building starting at a very young age while living their dreams. Few people have the time, motivation or skills to learn computer security and still live their dreams.

Name all the courses in your K-12 school that teach character building? You can probably write then all on the head of pin.

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