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Why you should Vote Remain: Bananas, bathwater and babies

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

" I'd much rather the EU started to focus on how a more equitable trade with Africa can benefit both sides: let us please stop dumping surplus agricultural production and thus putting African farmers out business."

That too. But it's not going to happen because the EU was founded around the idea of protectionism. (Long before it was the EEC, even).

"How can you have free trade with someone who doesn't compete freely? Oxymoronic if you ask me."

But nobody's asking you. When you're Emperor of the World, you can get to redefine terms like free trade I suppose.

China dumps steel on us and the EU talked a lot and did nothing. The US very quickly pushed targeted steel tariffs through Congress. Emergency tariffs are legal under WIPO. So EU membership cost us our steel industry.

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