Reply to post: Re: Cracking article

Why you should Vote Remain: Bananas, bathwater and babies

Lars Silver badge

Re: Cracking article

Have a look at Michael Moore On Guns, Trump And The EU With Piers Morgan:

It reminds me that perhaps it's often easier to look at something from a slight distance. I would assume that most Europeans look with horror at a guy like Trump. Still millions of Americans will vote for him. And to some extent I can understand them.

People vote with their emotions and not so much based on the reality, dreaming is sort of nicer than the damned reality.

That happened in one European country too, not that long ago. The result was not all that stellar,

Those type of guys have been popping up all over Europe. I would claim there is hardly more than some twenty all together forming some protest party.

They are all so very similar, sniffing power, and the mantra is always the same. Typically nobody wants to work with them and they have no solution to anything.

I have no difficulties in comparing Farage and Boris to Trump.

And why all that bluffing, why claim Britain is the fifth biggest economy in the world when nine is the number. Look it up, it's all over the web like here:

And then there is the pound and they will never mention that the Danes have their DKR and the Swedes their SKR and not worried at all.

Turkey, oh dear, there is not one country in the EU who wants Turkey to join, The EU is not in any position for any expansion and Turkey is in no shape to join, just a fact, and should that ever come to a vote the decision has to be unanimous.

Poor Cameron cannot say it as he is the Prime Minister and he cannot speak for other EU members nor does he want to offend Turkey as they are part of a refugee solution perhaps,

And as for looking from some distance, the Commonwealth countries are not keen on any Empire replay and suggest Britain should use its strength within the EU rather than outside it.

There is not one country in this world that will find Britain stronger if a Brexit. And non of those countries are in the top 10 for British export or import.

Anyway vote.

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