Reply to post: Re: I'll pass thanks

Why you should Vote Remain: Bananas, bathwater and babies


Re: I'll pass thanks

We are not the only country in the EU with a large Eurosceptic contingency. I have friends in Spain, Italy and Germany and many of them are as worried about "ever closer union" as a lot of Brits are.

Euro Politicians all refuse to even entertain the possibility that the road they are intent on travelling might not be what ordinary people want. This is a political project, its driven by politicians many of whom are failed politicians in their own countries but have found a "safe harbour" in the workings of the EU.

There is a lot of good about the EU. A lot of good but there is also a lot of dodgy or bad. How are we to force *our* politicians (who are mostly for the EU) that a good number of people have some reservations?

Anywho, one way or another there are gonna be a lot of pissed off people on friday morning and they're all gonna be bitching about it on social media, in the papers, on the TV..... that's when teh real nightmare begins!

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