Reply to post: the issues in play are all needless - this is essentially a symptomatic vote

Three non-obvious reasons to Vote Leave on the 23rd

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

the issues in play are all needless - this is essentially a symptomatic vote

I am an ex-pat. I left the UK in 2008 and have since then lived in various European countries. I am free to move at will within the confines of the EU. Upon the day of the UK vote, should the majority of those voting choose to leave, it may well come to be that I, entirely separate from the UK, with a life and an arrangement of my own affairs governed entirely by mutually agreed contracts between private individuals, will find MY ability to move and live within the EU removed.

Why should the choice of thirty-odd million individuals currently about two thousand miles away whom have nothing to do with my life, and I nothing with theirs, affect MY life? what business it is of theirs?

The answer of course is that by the current arrangement of affairs, where countries exist and assign membership to individuals, and where countries require all individuals to possess such a membership and assess to give or withhold from them permissions based upon the country which provides that membership - wholly independent of whatever voluntary and well-informed private contracts these individuals would otherwise make - means that indeed, countries possess the power to impose themselves upon my life and indeed the lives of all.

The issues we're all facing, and this problem of the majority imposing their will upon the minority, are all completely needless and arise only because we are using this method of one-size-fits-all, mediated by States, to manage these matters.

It doesn't have to be like this.

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